Vertidrain Hire
A sports turf maintenance company.
Project Summary
As a 34 year old company, with a 20 year old website, this client needed an update. With minimal branding, I got to work establishing a new bespoke website and an updated logo.

The Problem
Vertidrain Hire initially had little to no branding with an outdated logo. The client had disappeared from Google search in the sea of companies offering similar services. The action plan was to focus on the things Vertidrain Hire did best, highlighting the strengths that made them stand out from the competition.
Staying true to the client’s experience over the years that they had been in the game, I went with a timeless and classic style with the logo. Focussing on their vision and values, I went for a deep red and green colour palette, establishing that sense of authority and experience, but also instilling the trust that the company gives its clients. Paired with their new fonts, colours, and a bespoke set of icons, the website was created with search engine optimisation as a core focus, making sure it was visible to customers on Google.

The process





Services Provided
- Branding
- Logo
- Website design